Saturday, November 5, 2011


I was spinning my daughter around the other day and had a deep realization: She really trusts me. It's no wonder that God refered to the children as having a pure heart. They trust, believe, without any doubt.

I knelt down on my knees (she was standing on my thighs and holding onto my hands). She leaned back and had a huge thrill of seeing how far back she could go. I wonder what would happen if we would do that with God. Sometimes we don't lean back in fear of the unknown (falling, getting hurt, breaking trust). If we did, I am sure we would enjoy the ride that He planned for us to have.

Try with me. Let go of your fears. Throw caution into the wind, and lean back with me - with no fear of trusting that the person (or in our case God) will ever let go of us. It's our turn to RIDE!

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