Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Today, I was sitting in church listening to our minister preach a very good sermon in the dark. (His series this month is "Are you afraid of the dark?" All the lights were out as he started into his sermon. I thought at first that there must have been some sort of outage somewhere. However, the lights from the amps on stage were still lit. What was going on? (All of this can be thought before the blink of an eye in a woman's mind). He began talking about how some people were uncomfortable being in the dark. Then, God took a hold of my mind and RAN.

Uncomfortable? He asked me. When was the last time you were uncomfortable with me? When was the last time you purposely got uncomfortable FOR me? There is a reason that we get uncomfortable in certain situations that God calls us to. He is able to get ALL the glory.

I was chewing on that a bit and thought of a illustration that could be used to get everyone "uncomfortable." A jack! (Like with marbles) If we were to walk in to church and there was a jack on everyone's chair, how many of us would move that jack before we sat down? ALL OF US! No one wants to be uncomfortable. Not if we can help it! However, if you look back on some of the Old Testament stories, you'll find several examples of God asking someone to get uncomfortable with Him.

When God asked Noah to build an ark, it had never rained. Think about that one for a while. People didn't even know what rain was! Noah probably looked off his rocker to everyone around him. Abraham was uncomfortable when he had to tell Isaac to come offer a sacrifice to God with him.... with no lamb.

Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

You see, in those moments we have to have faith in God and trust that He knows what He is doing. No, it may not make sense to us at the time, but to Him - He gets the glory. He gets the respect and honor due Him from His child, who had faith in their Father. We all get to step back and go "Wow! That could have only been God!"

When was the last time you were uncomfortable with God? When was the last time He called you to be uncomfortable FOR Him?

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