Monday, November 14, 2011

CONFESSION: I peaked...

I just laid my daughter down for "quiet time." She asked me if we could pray. She began thanking God for every little thing that had gone on today, yesterday, and last week. As she was listing all of the events that she was very much grateful for, I opened my eyes to look at her precious face. Her eyes were closed, and her face was priceless. I took in a deep breath and remember 2 things. 1.) I need to pray like that. I need to make sure that I thank God for those little things and never take them for granted. 2.) I remembered how much of a miracle this child really is. I thought back to the point of her coming into this world, and how it almost didn't happen. I also remembered how God literally placed extra protection around her - a HUGE answer to prayer. Life is so short. I get the comments all the time how I need to take in this time that I have with them while they are young. I am trying so hard to do just that, but heaven only knows I need those reminders. Bottom line- I peaked; and I learned something, and took it in.

1 comment:

Luann Prater said...

I loved peaking into your moment with you!

Love you so much,