Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Getting Rid of the Old

Today the kids and I went through ALL of our toys. We pulled them all out of the rooms, garage, under the beds, stuffed animals that were already tucked into the beds...... EVERYTHING! They were strewed out all over my living room floor. We could barley walk. We found toys that we hadn't seen in years. The kids were so excited to get their hands on them. Then, we began to organize them all. As we sorted, I informed them that we were not keeping them all. They were surprisingly VERY okay with that. I studied what each kid was holding, or excited about and took a mental note that we would keep those. In the end, we had 2 whole totes full of just toys to give away. When we got to the stuffed animals, I thought we would keep them all until I told them of the plan.

"If you could pick just three stuffed animals, which ones would they be?" They all frantically were grabbing for about eight each. Then, carefully they chose wisely and told of the reasons for their choices. I told them to put those in their beds and choose three more. Their eyes lit up! I told them that we could keep three of them in the garage and switch out every now and then. Knowing this, they took a sigh of relief especially my oldest, who was desparately wanting to keep out four.

Have you ever gone and cleaned house? You realize that there is stuff that you haven't seen in years, and surprisingly enough you never missed. How much are we holding on to that may benefit someone else?

Just a thought.

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